Thursday, October 14, 2010


Just a few more things. A garnet bear which was a much cherished birthday gift from my daughter, a photo of Cymon my second and special dog, some decaying Barbie items from a 1960s childhood, a love pendant from the Biloela show when hippydom was reduced to the sideshows, a precious penguin brooch from my childhood.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Into the bin, off to Vinnies

It has been a long day. Approximately three kilos of birthday cards for the kids have been despatched to the recycle bin. I have kept the strangest things over the years. For example, crumpled calendar pages from 1992, detailing my baby son's milestones. Why? A powder compact given to me by my mum when I was in my late teens, in a bid no doubt to inspire me to wear makeup. It didn't work. Also the two remaining of two little china dachshunds, one missing a tail. They had a puppy but he is long gone. Maybe they'll find another home, rather than the landfill. Also, some tiny Thomas the Tank gloves and a long perished pair of tiny swimmers. Did I imagine there would be grandchildren?

Art class

Well, as threatened, here is the first instalment of my cyberspace detritus. Firstly the decaying sketches from life class at uni in 1975. Why did I hang on to them? Because I was proud of them. Proud of them enough to keep them rolled up in bundles in various houses over more than 30 years.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mission statement

As the sun sets on my long and bountiful's time to start decluttering, clearing out those memories and sending them into cyberspace forever.
Now this is a blog that I can't imagine anyone else being remotely interested in. I am but a sad little grey spot in a bright and pulsating world.
But I do need to get a lot of shizzit out of my head and out of my cupboards, to make room for ....I don't know yet.
So as of THIS WEEKEND...and that's an order, procrastination-function-centre...I am going to start methodically photographing the yellowing remains of my life, sending them into cyberspace, and then discarding the actual molecules.
It would be great if I actually had an interesting story to hiding in a sofa during the holocaust...or finding out I was related to the king of Saudi after being abandoned in a baby basket in Cuba...or had discovered the answer to World Peace.
Alas I don't. I am pathologically boring and completely invisible to the greater populace.
I have yet to make a difference. And this blog is unlikely to do that.